Mirc movies
Mirc movies

mirc movies

In the process of downloading, sometimes the connection between the server and your machine is lost, thus "resume" is used in such incidences so that it starts the download from the last point stopped and not from the start. What that search engine does is that it shows the user a list of all available files (with users criteria) across multiple servers for the user to select his server of choice to download the movie, song, software file. This is where the search engines comein handy, but mIRC doesnt have a search engine built-in (later i will show you guys how to use external search enines). Just like there are a lot of users needing multiple files, there are a lot of servers offering the downloads. Here is a crash course on the mIRC terminologyĪll files to that are downloadable are located on some public server. that takes care of the mIRC configuration, next step is finding files to download on public servers. Then we have Ignore.Ĭlick on ignore then in the detailed section have the following settings set.Īlright you did it. The next option is Folders, this is where your downloaded media will be saved when it downloads, you can customize it on your own. now the next in line is options, nothing to change there, unless you are an advance user and now what you want done. Now click on the DCC it self and you should be looking at the "On send request" and "On chat request" options on the 2nd pane (detail pane). you should be now lookin at "DCC, options, folders, ignore, fserve, server" sub categories in there. Otherwise you should already have a - sign next to DCC. If there is a + sign next to DCC click on that to open the sub categoris of DCC in the first pane. the first on the left of the window lists all categories (connect, irc, sounds, mouse, dcc, display, other) with the second pane shows the detailed options with in that category on the right side. Once the options window opens up, you will notice that there are 2 panes.

Mirc movies